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What I offer my clients

I offer a wide range of services - and you can mix and match as you need to. I work on a project fee basis. Each project is priced according to your needs, the size and complexity of the project and your timing. 

You can read more about my rates here.

Copywriting | Business writing

While all of my services include an element of copywriting, it could be you just need the words or editing as a stand-alone. Choose from any or all of these: 

Bios and profiles for LinkedIn, websites

Baseline copy for fundraising campaigns

Marketing collateral (including subscription brochures)

Reports (acquittal, impact, annual) 

Scripts and video storyboards

Tender documentation (excluding financial)

Business and sponsorship proposals

Editing almost any kind of document


Strategic reviews

I have a deep love and understanding of the people and processes of marketing and communications, especially in complex organisations with limited resources and big (often creative) ambitions.

My strategic review service is based on many years of experience at all levels, across arts, education and government enterprises. Better yet, these layers of experience are not, as my darling Dad used to say, one year repeated 20 times.

​I can help you make sure you are truly heading in the right direction; providing recommendations, and pathways and support along the way.  Team or individual coaching is also on offer, either separately or as part of a review.

​I am also a vault.


Copy Coaching

I get it! Writing your own bio, fixing up your LinkedIN profile, About Me page or writing that killer proposal can be confusing and frustrating. You've worked really hard on it and yet you know it's still not quite right. Coaching gives you all the benefit of my hacks, insights and skills. You gain a new perspective, polish up your copy and go forth!  Book here.  


Choose from an editorial sweep of your current site to a full re-write and everything in between. Websites are your essential window to the world. I want yours to be sparkling clean, ranking well in SEO and working hard. Hint: you don't aways have to start from scratch. Extra hint: It's not enough to build a site and leave it at that (don't worry, everyone does it!)

Content Marketing - email

Electronic Direct Mail is a great way to build your business, make sales, raise awareness and so much more. Consistent and compelling content is key – and that’s where I come in. Choose from a one off or a series package of eDMs.

Content Marketing - socials

Too busy running your business to talk about it?  Or don’t know where to (re)start? I can help with a series of ‘done for you’ socials all ready to go, plus content plans, image curation, business page set up and much more.

What I offer: Work
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